Hello everyone;

My name is William Stenson III and I am the Head Coach/Administrator for Process Over Result Teaching.  This organization has been 3 

I started coaching Youth Sports 2 years ago as a basketball coach for the Zion Park District and have also been the Head Coach for Youth baseball for the Winthrop Harbor Park District.  Along the way I made plenty of mistakes; made some people upset and struggled.  I also learned from all those struggles and became a much better Coach.

I founded this organization due to a trend I saw during that time.  The players had great coaches who cared, but with a limited practice time the techniques were not focused on.  The repetitions were more important to get in and the best players had the ball the most.  Team play largely had to be ignored because the time to teach it and develop was not there.  After a few years I wanted to hold events that did focus on technique and player development while getting the parents more involved then the normal recreation level would allow.  Process Over Result Teaching is the vessel to achieving those goals.

Teaching these games to kids brings me great joy.  Seeing 1 or more grow into better players is great, but the best part is seeing them grow as people.  Meeting the parents and forging a relationship is a awesome part of this as well.  I will always give my best effort because doing this is a privilege and I am thankful for the chance to do it.